Fake It Until You Make It: My Official Fake Afro Bun

       So I have been getting a lot of compliments whenever I wear my $9.99 faux bun. I was training a new girl the other night and she seriously thought it was my hair until a nosy co-worker asked me if it was my real hair. Don’t you just hate when they do that? Anyway, I wanted to show you guys that I am not quite there yet after chopping off my hair a year ago, but my goal is to wear this little bun until I can rock my big natural Afro bun.

My arms are getting too big. It’s time for a new diet.

       This style is for special occasions only. I only wear my bun when I am not wearing any other protective styles like braids or weaves. I have been looking forward to straightening my hair, so I am taking a break from hurting my scalp for now. I already bought my hot comb and I cannot wait until my birthday to do a complete length check. Until then, I will be rocking my fake bun.

Hugs and kisses!