One Of My Healthy Hair Idols Just Went Natural (video)

Meet Fgrogan everybody. I have been following her on youtube since 2010. It was a shocker when I she decided to go natural. I did not expect her to big chop so soon, but she did it.

Do you think she should have transitioned for a longer period of time before the big chop?

By Fgrogan

I was doing my regular wash and decided at that moment that I wanted to big chop!! I love it so much! Can’t keep my hands out of my hair!! On a new journey to grow this out long and strong!!!!ENJOY!

Thursday: Protective Style Tutorial ( Elegant Formal Twisted Up Do For Natural Hair)

I love this style because not only it is a great style for a formal affair, it is also a great protective style. You can wear this style for weeks; as long as you wrap your hair before bedtime. For those of you who don’t have long hair like me, you can always use kanekalon hair to complete the twists.